new chicken 3 years old no eggs???


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 17, 2011
Port Angeles
Ok so I got a 3 year old chicken from a friend while I wait for my little guys to grow up. I put 2 of my bigger little chicks in with her during the day and then put them in at night. She pretty much ignores them unless they get close to her food.

The guy I got her from said she likes to sit on her eggs so be careful I have had her a week and no eggs any ideas??

Thank you
Anyone have any idea??? Still no eggs. I added some of my babies with her today and she seems ok with them. Would really appreciate a response I am new to chickens
I have read that sometime when they get moved to a new place they stop laying for a bit I wouldnt be to worried its only been a week Good Luck and welcome
Ok that's what I was thinking....... Hey I'm from pa as well..
Chickens hate having their environment disrupted. It can take anywhere from a few days to weeks for them to resume egg laying.
Ya lol its great I love how its so nice during the week while I'm working and then crappy on the weekends. I'm out at salt creek and we actually had a pretty nice day today

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