New chicken lover


10 Years
Apr 24, 2009
My husband and I got 11 chicks at 1 week old. They are now 8 weeks old. We are really enjoying watching them grow and deveope their personalities.Three days ago, one of the Easter Eggers ascaped and we can't find her:( . Her sister did it the day before but I found her in the ditch behind our house the next morning. Before we could clip their wings, again, Cleo was already missing. The other interesting thing, we have 2 RIR's and I named them Big Red and Little Red. Well, B. R. is growing faster than her sister. Ever since day one with our flock, B.R. was the boss. Now B.R.'s comb and wattles are bigger than L.R.. We think she might very well be a HE. LOL I didn't want a rooster. But B.R. watches over all the girls and it's so sweet. If it is a rooster I guess we will get used to the noise; cuz now we love them all.
We love this site! My husband researched all the coops he could to get ideas for ours. Now I call the coop the Chicken Hilton.

2 RIR, 2 Partridge Rocks, 2 BO, and now 3 EE


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