New Chicken Mama


Sep 8, 2020
hello. So happy to be here. Grateful for an outlet to share all the fun and curiosities of these super cool little creatures. We have 6 chickens we call the garden girls. 3 Buff Orpingtons named Butternut, Pumpkin, and Acorn. 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes named Tarragon and Thyme. 1 Ameraucana named Rosemary. They graze a minimally planted garden then go in arun and coop at night. We also have 6 indoor cats and 2 big dogs. The dogs are doing well considering and the cats all love on the pittie to keep her occupied. Live in southwest Michigan and love this new life as a chicken mama. They will be 18 weeks September 29. Excited for our first egg. These chickens are a part of our family and will be egg laying only

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