New chicken momma

Hello my name is Julia, and I am a new chicken momma. I live with my in-laws who own chickens, but this is the 1st year I have owned chickens. I have 2 Easter Eggers, 6 White Leghorns and 5 Barred Rocks pullets that are 8 weeks old. I am also taking care of my father in laws 3 week old Black Australorp pullets.

My favorite aspect of chicken raising is the EGGS, we LOVE fresh chicken eggs. My son also loves chickens and we love to just watch then. They are very entertaining.

I found this site through a search looking for information on finding out if my Easter Eggers are in fact Hens and came across your site. Withing reading some of the posts, I realized that the people in this community are friendly and it seems very knowledgeable
Hello! Like you I found this site while searching for info. I have 26 3 week old chicks. 10 Cinnamon Queens, 5 black sex-links and 10 assorted dual purpose which I know a couple are barred rocks. The others I haven't a clue but a couple may be lavender orpingtons?
I also have learned a lot my reading others experiences. It's a great place to hang out!!

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