New chicken owner behavior questions


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 2, 2014
Southern Maryland
Hi All,

Brand new chicken owner here. So, a couple of questions for you experienced folks. Remember I'm a complete newbie!

I didn't think the girls would really notice if I was outside or not. Wrong. They call loudly when I come out of the basement with the dog. They aren't afraid of the dog but I have been working with her to not bother them too much. So chickens like peoples attention? And dogs?

I notice they have snack preferences. Love chickweed and watermelon, hate apples. Is that normal?

Four of the girls come running to me, one hasn't really warmed up. That one loves my SO. Do chickens have favorite people?

They are young chickens (just started laying). It took a couple days to teach them to go into the coop at night (chicken tractor). Tonight, it really wasn't dark but I reprimanded the dog to leave the coop area. The girls went right in onto their perches. Are they are sensitive to people's emotions?

So, when you get up off the floor at these stupid questions, can you please help me understand chicken behavior?

They do not seem to recognize emotion but that can interpret postures such as looking at them.

That can distinguish individual humans and dogs. Preferences possible.

Apples seem more preferred when they rot but generally my birds do not get overly excited by them unless they are thirsty.

Best teachers are birds and time. Relate observations when you can so they can be discussed. Pictures, videos and detailed description of context helps.

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