New Chicken Owner Here!


7 Years
Apr 19, 2012
Hey everyone,
My name is Monica, my husband Jeff and I are just over six weeks into having chickens for the first time ever. We already have put 27 Cornish X Roxks into the freezer! It's unbelievable how fast they grew! I personally won't get them again unless our freezer get empty because they stink!

Currently we have:
11 Rhode Island Reds (4 or 5 of these will have to be killed due to having multiple roosters!)
6 Wyandottes
3 Leghorns
2 Turkeys (White and Bronze)
2 Domoniques
1 Araucana
1 Phoenix
1 Seabright

I have used this site to answer any and all of our questions when getting started and I appreciate it!

My question is. If there is one thing you would share with someone still new at this, what would it be?
Give them something to do. A bored chicken is bound to get into trouble somehow. Be it destroying something or pecking its sisters. Give them a roost, a mirror, scatter some of their food under their shavings for them to dig for, when they get 3 to 4 weeks old, start taking them outside for some field trips. Mostly have fun!

And Welcome!
Newbie here too! Currently hatched 17 Bantam chicks with 8 more on the way!
Put a chair or swing close by the chicken Pen or Coop and enjoy. Try different treats like mealworms, broccoli and yogurt. Fancy up the chicken area for guests to enjoy as well. Get an automatic waterer and save yourself daily watering with all those chicks.

Oh yes. The cornish X's do stink and they look gross too. But I still raise em but now only 5 at a time instead of 25 or 50. My freezer is not big enough for the monsters.

Wish you the best.

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