New Chicken Owner Here!


7 Years
Apr 19, 2012
Hey everyone,
My name is Monica, my husband Jeff and I are just over six weeks into having chickens for the first time ever. We already have put 27 Cornish X Roxks into the freezer! It's unbelievable how fast they grew! I personally won't get them again unless our freezer get empty because they stink!

Currently we have:
11 Rhode Island Reds (4 or 5 of these will have to be killed due to having multiple roosters!)
6 Wyandottes
3 Leghorns
2 Turkeys (White and Bronze)
2 Domoniques
1 Araucana
1 Phoenix
1 Seabright

I have used this site to answer any and all of our questions when getting started and I appreciate it!

My question is. If there is one thing you would share with someone still new at this, what would it be?
Give them something to do. A bored chicken is bound to get into trouble somehow. Be it destroying something or pecking its sisters. Give them a roost, a mirror, scatter some of their food under their shavings for them to dig for, when they get 3 to 4 weeks old, start taking them outside for some field trips. Mostly have fun!

And Welcome!

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