New Chicken Owner - LOVING MY FLOCK


Mar 25, 2022
I am a new Chicken Owner, we got our Flock a week ago today (Buff Orpingtons - one Rooster and 5 hens). They are so wonderful, sweet and mellow. I have two hens who like cuddles! Our Rooster is calm and sweet, we have gotten 16 eggs already this week, no delay in laying eggs as they settled in.

The kids love them and haven't even complained about the daily cleaning of the coop so far!

The best part is maybe the most interesting for me: I have a phobia of birds. Not a fear but a true panic inducing phobia. I have been forcing myself to use exposure therapy to overcome it. I go into the coop every 2-3hrs and squat down with a treat for the birds. I have gotten to the point where I can pick one up and hold it and pet it with minimal panic. So much better in just 7 days.

All in all it has been an excellent experience.
I am a new Chicken Owner, we got our Flock a week ago today (Buff Orpingtons - one Rooster and 5 hens). They are so wonderful, sweet and mellow. I have two hens who like cuddles! Our Rooster is calm and sweet, we have gotten 16 eggs already this week, no delay in laying eggs as they settled in.

The kids love them and haven't even complained about the daily cleaning of the coop so far!

The best part is maybe the most interesting for me: I have a phobia of birds. Not a fear but a true panic inducing phobia. I have been forcing myself to use exposure therapy to overcome it. I go into the coop every 2-3hrs and squat down with a treat for the birds. I have gotten to the point where I can pick one up and hold it and pet it with minimal panic. So much better in just 7 days.

All in all it has been an excellent experience. View attachment 3047955
Congrats! 🎉

And welcome to BYC!
What a wonderful story! Congratulations on the new flock and on working to overcoming your fear! As you've discovered, Buff Orps are wonderful birds and a great choice to help you learn to love chickens.

Thanks for sharing your story and photos. Welcome to BYC!

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