New Chicken Owner

Good evening from Shropshire, UK

Wet and rainy here on the Shropshire hills, 6 chicken all gradually getting used to new home, introduced 2 at a time. Last 2 being a bit picked esp my little barred rock called Linda. Back of neck a bit sore and inflamed so will step back a bit and give them all some breathing space meantime (its a bank holiday here) put emergency Vicks vapourub and ordered some iodine to clean it with, feel very guilty as she is the smallest and I had an inkling she may be picked on. Other hens are 2 Bluebells, 1 Warren, 1 Suffolk Utility and a Rhode Rock (we think)
So Trish, Shirley, Janet, Jackie, Sandra and Linda say Hi!


nix the iodine saline will work best but welcome to Backyard Chickens
Thanks all, they all seem to be on their perch together, Ive left an escape route for Linda and a cosy bolt hole too JIC, she smells rather pungent poor thing!! I am grateful for the advice re: antiseptic spray, I'll look that up: I'm hoping the red inflamed areas are not too tempting for more pecking, Ill get up super early and let em all out.

Night all!!

G'Day from down under Teabea :frowWelcome!

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