New chickie mama

Hello hubs and I got our first backyard flock in early June. The birds were about a week old when we got them. We have 10 chickies (Light Brahmas, Buff Orpingtons, RIR, Black Sex Link and Silver Laced Wyandotts. 2 of each). They have been so much fun! They each have their own personality; it's been a fantastic adventure. My husband built a beautiful coop - it took 8 weeks but most of them are out there even though it still needs the finishing touches. (I have a bullying issue which is why they aren't all in the coop. More on that in a new thread as I need some help.). I look forward to connecting with you all and to learning about these sweet creatures.

Welcome to BackYardChickens! So glad to have you here in our wonderful community of friendly, helpful, knowledgeable people!

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