New chick's from hatchery lethargic. Bubbles in mouth. 2 dead already.


In the Brooder
Jun 2, 2017
First time with new chick's. Ordered from Murray McMurray. Came this moring. Ordered 26 birds. 3 of them that were the sickest were white crested bantams I think. I was dead on arrival. One died in 30 minutes . One now sick. Lethargic and won't walk just like the 2 that died. Won't hold up head except when we help it drink it puts head up to swallow. Looks like bubbles coming up is throat almost like having a hard time breathing or swallow. Now 2 other birds look like have bubbles. I separated them. They have sugar water and electrolytes/vitamin mix added in their water. Also raw apple cider vinegar. What is the problem and is there something I can do to help or is it a lost cause? Thanks so much.
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When we're they shipped? How long in transit? How hot or cold are you? Under optimal conditions most chicks arrive fine. If they are in transits too long or get too hot or cold there will be losses unfortunately. Sounds like you are doing things right, you just have to wait and see how it goes.
First time with new chick's. Ordered from Murray McMurray. Came this moring. Ordered 26 birds. 3 white crested bantam I think. I dead on arrival. One died in 30 minutes . One now sick. Lethargic. Won't hold up head except when we help it drink it puts head up to swallow. Looks like bubbles coming up is throat. Now 2 other birds look like have bubbles. I separated them. They have sugar water and electrolytes vitamin mix added. Also raw some cider vinegar. What is the problem and is there something I can do to help or is it a lost cause? Thanks so much
Shipped Tuesday arrived Thursday. Is in the 80s outside here. The brooder is at 90/95 under the lamp. I am mainly worried about the bubbles in the mouth. Is that normal or is it a sign of sickness? Just seems like it's having a hard time breathing
Hi. I was hoping to kind of piggyback off of your post. One of my three chicks is very lethargic today also. Its one of my little Lavender Orpingtons. Its about five weeks old. I had already put them outside because it has been so warm here. Lows at night only about 70. Day before yesterday it rained pretty much all day. They have a little house to go in, so they didn't really get wet, but I think they got chilled because of the dampness in the air. Brought them back in. One of them seems fine. One of them seems to be doing better. And the other one is very lethargic. Seems weak, wobbly. Haven't seen it eat all day although I did make sure it drank a few sips of water throughout the day. My husband is bringing home some poly-vi-sol..looking for advice on how best to get the drops in the chick. Add to water? Or try to get straight down the throat with a dropper? What else can I do? Thanks for any advice!
Shipped Tuesday arrived Thursday. Is in the 80s outside here. The brooder is at 90/95 under the lamp. I am mainly worried about the bubbles in the mouth. Is that normal or is it a sign of sickness? Just seems like it's having a hard time breathing
I haven't seen a chick with bubbles in its mouth, I wouldn't think disease as they are a bit too young for anything to have developed yet. It might have gotten some water down into it's lungs drinking.
The chick is still doing poorly. Seems to be gulping for air. Hasn't really eaten anything but drinks the sugar/electrolyte water. Gullet big and swollen with water. Stomach seems firm as well. Trying to massage the gullet to see if that is the problem. Any other ideas what it could be?
Unfortunately it probably won't make it. Most are strong from the start or they fail to get going.
Thanks so much for the advice. I figured as much but I guess I'll keep trying to help it all I can. Thanks!
This may sound weird, but do you have any or have someone nearby who has essential oils? The chick that I was really starting to worry i was about to lose finally just ate. I was racking my brain trying to figure out what to do for him. I figured he was having some kind of digestive issue. Seemed to have trouble swallowing. I rolled an essential oil blend on him called DigestZen. I figured it couldn't hurt at this point, right!? Anyway within about 30-45 minutes, he actually ate something. He's not out of the woods yet by any means, but the difference was remarkable. Good luck with yours! It's hard to see them struggling and feel so helpless.

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