New chicks from Ideal


14 Years
Jul 11, 2008
Gila, New Mexico
I got my order from Ideal this morning. 10 Cornish X's, 10 welsummers, and 5 EE's. One of the EE's, looked like it was going to be buff, expired en route, and one of the welsummers is really struggling. I'm not sure I'll be able to save it. The rest all look fine. They're my first welsummers, and I sure hope they lay beautiful eggs!

I would be bouncing off the walls with excitement at new babies, but I've got the FLU, for the first time in a long, long time, and I feel like last week's garbage. Hope baby chicks can't get sick from people.

Two of the EE's look like they're going to be white, one is dark with a rust-colored head, and one is the typical light, chipmunky baby. They're so cute, and I'm thrilled to have a little variety in my EE colors now, instead of just my two plain brown (but very pretty) girls.


So cute! I ordered my first batch of girls from Ideal and received them last week. I have been super-pleased and so far, my EEs are my fave...they're just so darn cute! Thanks for sharing
Ideal is good huh? Mine that I got from Ideal eggzactly 20 weeks ago today gave me my first two eggs today!!!!!

Hijack alert-I got my first two eggs today-Hijack alert

By the way, what the heck is that --------->
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