New Chicks just came in. Help me Identify?


6 Years
Jan 18, 2014

I think the one pictured above the last picture is a chocolate wyandotte. I'm not sure on the other two and in the bottom picture the black on the you can see his whole back was sold to me as a silkie (they are all supposed to be purebreed silkies) but his feathering seems off!! She said he might be crossed with a polish tolbunt? Thoughts?
the black and white chick to me looks like a black Australorp. the first chick looks like a Wyandotte, but its really hard to try and identify chicks we don't know the breeds of just because of that haha. I spent months searching for the breed of my 2 hens just to find they were crosses. I do think you have some silkie crosses of some sort as well. the faces look like that....could you get a face shot of each bird?
the black and white chick to me looks like a black Australorp. the first chick looks like a Wyandotte, but its really hard to try and identify chicks we don't know the breeds of just because of that haha. I spent months searching for the breed of my 2 hens just to find they were crosses. I do think you have some silkie crosses of some sort as well. the faces look like that....could you get a face shot of each bird?
3 and 4 are the same bird. What kind of Wyandotte?

They are all Bantams, and I got them all but the older ones (that are at least part silkie) from Ideal hatchery so they should be purebred.

I can try to get a face shot, since they are just a few days old I thought the body shots would be more telling =)
One black has hair on his feet the other one doesn't??
They both do! One just has very little hair! Whats funny is the one with the more feathered feet is the one I'm thinking is the mix due to his feathering.
3 and 4 are the same bird. What kind of Wyandotte?

They are all Bantams, and I got them all but the older ones (that are at least part silkie) from Ideal hatchery so they should be purebred.

I can try to get a face shot, since they are just a few days old I thought the body shots would be more telling =)

im thinking maybe red laced bantam....I think the face pics could help a little more to tell, but its hard to anyways by a pic.
not sure on what the yellow chick is.....could be an OEGB not sure... the blacka nd white one could be a mottled bantam...not sure what bantam, but so many breeds have similar looking chicks so theres a huge range of birds to guess! haha can you PM me some pics of your silkies too? I couldn't find any

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