New chicks - they went out by themselves!


In the Brooder
Jan 28, 2024
Hello, I have three new chicks which were born 10 days ago. Today I found them outside with their mother. Temperatures are between 15 - 20 degrees Celsius. How do I have to behave? This is the first time for me. Thanks for your advises!
Hello, I have three new chicks which were born 10 days ago. Today I found them outside with their mother. Temperatures are between 15 - 20 degrees Celsius. How do I have to behave? This is the first time for me. Thanks for your advises!
What took them so long!:D
They should be absolutely fine, especially at those temperatures.
The last hatch I had here in the UK the chicks were out with their mum at two days old at temperatures around 10C.
As long as mum is with them, if they feel cold they'll get under mum for warmth.
Thanks a lot. So I do not need to force them inside with a lamp?
no you don't need to do that. A broody hen is better than a heat lamp; they can find just the right position for their own personal comfort and pop in and out at will. There were 6 under this one. Mine too are out on grass as soon as they come off the nest, 2 days old.

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