New chicks with swollen face, rooster with nasal discharge

Lucky KY Chicks

5 Years
Jun 13, 2014
Okay I have 5 week old chicks and two of them have swollen faces. There are 5 total but only 2 have swollen face. They still eat and drink fine. No pus, no odor, no discharge from eyes or nose. They have been without a heat lamp for a week. They stayed in the barn in a metal water trough when the low was above 35 and came inside house past 2 nights because the temp was below freezing. They are new chicks and they have been isolated but airborne disease could have still spread. I brought these chicks and 3 adolescents in last Saturday, they came from two different people. The adolescents are isolated separately but again airborne disease could have spread. One adolescent pullet had a small sneeze noise 1st day here but she has not done it anymore and one had a partially closed eye with no swelling. Eye had a blue cast as if it had been injured. It now is more open but has air bubbles in the corner. No odor or pus. When they first came I dipped all their butts in DE, put it under wings and on their backs. I put it in their feed as well. Chicks faces have been swollen for 2 days. Now for the rooster, I have a rooster that came here as a chick last year. Three nights ago I heard someone sniffling. Two nights ago I saw that it was him and he had smelly black discharge that had solidified on his nose. He sounded awful. No swelling though. He was also dusted with DE on the Saturday that the new guys came. I took him inside and steamed him for an hour. I wiped the black crud off and no more came. He rattled when he breathed for another day but today there is no rattle. He has never had swelling or closed eyes. He continued to eat, drink, roost and breed normally before I took him inside. He still ate and drank normal and was always very alert. Since noticing swelling/eye issue and the congested rooster, all chickens have been given raw garlic, cinnamon, basil and cayenne. Also ACV in the water. The symptom show'ers got an extra heavy "dose" for a few days. So anyone have any ideas as to my problem? I fear coryza... Also my flock free ranges(not the isolated newbies) and I have 3 turkeys with them. The chicks went out in a rabbit cage for 1 hr a week ago. They were on top of 1 inch by 1/2 in wire so only 5 or 6 long blades of grass got through and they couldn't touch ground.



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DE could be the cause if they inhaled the fine particles, it can also irritate the eyes. However, I suspect it's a respiratory disease. Bloodwork can determine if it's a mycoplasma disease. If it were coryza you'd know it, there's a foul odor around the head area with coryza.
Agreed. I would stop use of DE, it is making respiratory issues worse. There are so many different respiratory diseases in chickens. You will have to do research. Also, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, turkeys are carriers of illnesses that cross over to chickens and make the chickens sick but the turkeys are fine.
Turkeys can affect chickens with Histomoniasis ( Blackhead Disease ) ...justplainbatty is right! Maybe you should read up on the disease..see if the symptoms are similar...
Normally it's chickens that are infected with the cecal worm that is host to the protozoa that causes blackhead. Blackhead is deadly to turkeys. It's always best to keep chickens and turkeys separated from each other.
The symptoms that Lucky Ky Chicks has described is some type of respiratory disease or possibly a fungal issue, but not blackhead.

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