New chicks


7 Years
Feb 23, 2016
South of Houston
Have had a flock for about 5 years now. 10 hens and 2 Roos. Flock has dwindled down to only 5 hens now so I got 10 hen chicks in the mail yesterday. All barred rocks. I have a 16x32 run with 2 coops inside. One coop is relatively small and is where the present flock reside. The other is about 3X bigger and will be where I will raise the littles until they start feathering out. Right now they are in the garage in the brooder/cage. my plan is, I will move them into the bigger coop when they start to get feathers and they will have their own little part of the run. @ about 2 months old I will try letting them mingle with the elder girls and see what happens. Wish me luck on the integration when the time comes!
I have had great success with the look but don't touch method. Keep them in view of the older ladies then a couple weeks before you intergrade them put the newbies in a pen where they can have only hardware wire between them. Also, think of things you could add to the neutral area that the babies can run under or behind if chased. It may be a ruckus at first, but they will be happy together probably staying in their own groups.
I've had good luck with integration at the moment I get the chicks off heat.

In fact, I'm apparently too cautious, because two batches in a row have escaped from the integration pen that needs a little repair rather before I meant to let them out and they've integrated well.

Here are some helpful articles:“see-but-don’t-touch”-method.67839/

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