New Chicks!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
I just brang our eight new chicks home this afternoon............I went in on an order with some other folks. They all arrived healthy and happy.

What a bunch of cute little ones! So funny to watch, sleeping and playing with each other.

There is on White Barred Rock chick that is a riot. Chirps very loudly (louder than the other seven put together) and struts around the brooder like the boss. I wonder if its a rooster? Time will tell I guess.

Putting the final touches on the chicken coop and I plan to build the enclosed run shortly for these girls. My kids cant get enough watching them. A lot of fun alright.
Four Black Australorps and Four White Barred Rocks. After reading the many posts about chicks arriving in poor health or worse I was relieved that they arrived OK alright!
Best of luck, also a word of caution. A chick that chirps that loud may be signaling you that something is wrong and it is in discomfort. Keep a close eye on that one and make sure it eats, drinks and poops.
Thank you, I never thought of that............I will keep my eye on it.
Well, the chick that was all fired up, strutting around and chirping like crazy has mellowed out and is acting like the rest.

They all seem to be having a blast, man can these little chicks eat!

Eat, Drink, Poop.

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