new coop..chickens don't want to use it

Maybe put a ladder there instead... They might not like how steep the ramp is. Chickens can be quite picky sometimes. I know in the beginning when I first got my coop, my chickens were so picky but we worked out all the kinks after observing them for a few weeks. Now everything is working smoothly. It's all trial and error.
I guess I didn't explain well, what I put in was a ramp but it has wooden pieces screwed to it so it is like a ladder. I took the yellow camper ladder out as it was too big and bulky..I figured the chickens wouldn't be brave enough to hop up the steps and then hop right into the new coop. the ramp shouldn't be too steep, in my other coop I have the same type and it is steeper but my other birds do well with it. I think they are just nervous and new. hopefully they settle in soon :) plus I really don't know what kind of a set up they came from. they are production reds I ordered from the local feed store. they arrived in a crate and he just pulled them out and popped them into crate I brought. they might not be used to a coop at all..or even roosts
I guess I didn't explain well, what I put in was a ramp but it has wooden pieces screwed to it so it is like a ladder. I took the yellow camper ladder out as it was too big and bulky..I figured the chickens wouldn't be brave enough to hop up the steps and then hop right into the new coop. the ramp shouldn't be too steep, in my other coop I have the same type and it is steeper but my other birds do well with it. I think they are just nervous and new. hopefully they settle in soon :) plus I really don't know what kind of a set up they came from. they are production reds I ordered from the local feed store. they arrived in a crate and he just pulled them out and popped them into crate I brought. they might not be used to a coop at all..or even roosts
They probably just lived in a big area and slept on the floor... That's how a few of mine lived before I got them.
Success! Tonight was night 5 and I wasnt home to put the light on and when I came home it was pitch dark and all the girls were in the coop!! So I locked the door..but not before noticing they are all huddled on top of the nesting boxes and not using the perches :barniesince they aren't quite ready to lay (combs are pink etc) should I take the nesting boxes out for now? I just wonder if that would make them choose the perches. The perches are 2×3s flat side up and not high up. The low one is slightly lower than the top of the nesting box and the high one is a few inches higher. I am pretty sure the problem is the chickens not the roosts. :idunno
I'd leave the nesting boxes. They start getting curious about them around POL (point of lay). By then, they'll be used to them being in there. Don't fret when they first start laying that they lay in the run, or somewhere other than the nest box. It takes a bit of time for them to get it all coordinated. Don't be surprised when they will only use 1 nest box, no matter how many you have in there. That's typical hen behavior.
Success! Tonight was night 5 and I wasnt home to put the light on and when I came home it was pitch dark and all the girls were in the coop!! So I locked the door..but not before noticing they are all huddled on top of the nesting boxes and not using the perches :barniesince they aren't quite ready to lay (combs are pink etc) should I take the nesting boxes out for now? I just wonder if that would make them choose the perches. The perches are 2×3s flat side up and not high up. The low one is slightly lower than the top of the nesting box and the high one is a few inches higher. I am pretty sure the problem is the chickens not the roosts. :idunno
Because the nesting boxes are the highest point that is why they perched there. Make all your roosting bars the highest point even if only a few inches. Since they aren't old enough to lay eggs either cover the openings so they can't get in or remove them. You don't want them to sleep in there. That will become a habit and they will poop in the nests getting eggs very dirty.
Also, the light outside might be keeping them outside if it shines on them. Let them realize it's dark so they go to bed before you turn on the lights.
I'd leave the nesting boxes. They start getting curious about them around POL (point of lay). By then, they'll be used to them being in there. Don't fret when they first start laying that they lay in the run, or somewhere other than the nest box. It takes a bit of time for them to get it all coordinated. Don't be surprised when they will only use 1 nest box, no matter how many you have in there. That's typical hen behavior.
Yes I put golf balls in the boxes to give them the idea, that works well. I just have the 2 boxes for 6 hens I have noticed that they often like to use the same one.
GENIUS!! The light trick worked like a charm! Many thanks!!!

Yes! I was hoping you haven't been chasing them on your hands and knees every night since you first posted!

As far as the roosts go, at first I took another board and leaned it against the perch so they could climb it like a ramp to the perch. The young pullets thought this was great fun. They didn't use it for sleeping initially but eventually they did and once they were bigger I took the board away.
but not before noticing they are all huddled on top of the nesting boxes and not using the perches
Put something on top of nests to keep them from roosting there.
An angled board works great.
Hi all, so I got the new coop/run built and the new girls have arrived. they don't want to go in the coop! the attached run is fairly small and I figured that when dusk approached they would go it as they had nowhere else to go haha. they had gone up the ladder and peered in but that is about it. then they started to panic a bit as it got darker and trying to fly up and against the walls of the run so I figured they were just new and confused. I went in and caught each one and gently placed them in the coop on a roost and shut them in. next night..same thing. only they hid from me under the coop where I couldn't reach them (of course they did) eventually I got them all in there. I let them out this morning and I'm just wondering..will they get with the program? is this normal? do I just keep doing this forever? haha has anyone else gone through this?

Hi, yea at first chicks don't really know about the whole roosting in the coop thing at nigh. If they are not raised with a broody hen to teach them you have to be the momma hen and teach them. Just go out to the pen before it gets dark and put them up in the coop. After a week or two they will get it. Its just part of getting new chicks acclimated to the coop.

I have punched new coops before and moved them into the new coop. Even adult hens need a night or two after their digs were rearranged.

Its a normal chick thing.
How old are they?

Try putting a light in the coop around dusk. A flashlight will work. Wait a bit until it’s darker. Hopefully since they can see inside their scary new coop they will head in and you won’t h e to chase them. You can then lock the door behind them and remove the light. After about a week of this they should get with the program and you will no longer need the light.
I bought POL but I'm guessing on the young side. 17 weeks ish. I'm not expecting eggs any time soon they are not developed enough. great idea about the light. I have a little battery lantern I could put in there to light it up a bit for them.

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