New Coop Construction


In the Brooder
Jul 16, 2015
Been a while since I posted my introduction post, but finally getting around to posting up our coop/run construction. It's not 100% complete yet, but it's functional!

The design is an 8'x8'x6' tall coop with an 8'x16'x8' run and 8'x8'x2' run under the coop. The coop is pressure treated base supported on concrete blocks to level it. The walls of the coop are 2x4 framed with plywood walls (painted inside and out). Everything is coated with exterior paint. The coop still needs some finish work (window/vent covers) for the cold weather (versus the plywood that's covering them now). The apron needs an outer round of landscape timbers and some mulch between the two sets. Since pictures speak louder than words, here's some pictures I took through the construction process, but I need to take some final shots for it's current state.

Here's how the coop currently sits, just needs the outer landscape timbers for the apron, some window coverings, and it to warm up enough to finish painting...

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It appears it's finally time to open up the layiing boxes for my girls! Walked out yesterday to check on them and discovered two eggs in the coop. Glad to see them finally laying!

Definitely pullet eggs as of yet, but better than store bought. Store bought large brown egg on the left and our two laid eggs yesterday.


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