New coop design. Raise or not to raise


7 Years
Feb 6, 2016
My hubby is building a new coop with 3 sections. 4x5, 4x6, 4x5 plus an area in the back for feed, egg bins on both ends and the center coop will have the egg bins inside. It will have a roof in front for shade and 3 outside pens in front. My question is it better to raise the coop for the chickens to go under or leave it on the ground? Could there be additional problems with predators or harder to keep clean, etc. Just asking for experience out there? Thank you.
VCChick, I love my raised coop because it is so easy to clean without bending or kneeling plus it allowed a covered run underneath without any additional footprint. I use cafeteria trays under my roosting boards and I can reach right in and lift them down for cleaning right from the coop door. I have a 4'x6' coop with a 4'x'4 "porch" on the top level and a 4'x10 run underneath. I believe being up higher also helps a little with ventilation in the summer.
Raised definatly also keeps critters like mice rats and snakes from living underneath. big plus in my book. I have a 1950 army field refrigerator as a coop and the mice have even found a way to get into it.
Why 3 pics?

Low to the ground coops - bad for vermin residing.
High enough for birds is great but - make sure you can easily get under there too in case one needs to be fetched out.
No pics yet. It's not being built yet. 3 sections for different breeds. That is what we are high.....1
I'm a newb, so take it with a grain of salt. I'd say about 2 feet to allow for mounting the hardware cloth and being just big enough to let them walk under. I'm building my tractor and I allowed 2 feet plus the width of a 2x4, so 2' 3 1/2" of headroom. I hope it's enough.
Well it's getting there. Still need to stain it, clean up, odds and ends, final touches, roosts inside two of them inside, etc. Pictures so far. Hopefully done before the real cold hits. LOL!


Glad to see the soffits are open...hopefully they are covered with 1/2" hardware cloth.

Can't wait to see inside of coop itself.

Where are you located?
Thank you! We're in NE PA. We still have a lot of work to be done. But should be able to get the Jubilee's in there for the winter soon. Already have the Dominiques in the one end. Still have work to do in there to. It's getting there.

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