New coop(s)


7 Years
Apr 8, 2013
Hello Everybody,

We are new to this chicken raising thing and wanted to continue to reach out to the chicken community and create some friendships and potentially "Peck" your experienced brains a little....anyway we thought this thread was a great way to introduce ourselves and engage conversation........

Just wanted to take a second and start a thread about my new coops, I have one small one I refer to as my "Brooder" and one Large one (8x8 or 8x12, Not fully decided yet) under construction, for our twenty chicks, 14 Golden Comets and 6 Red Sex Links I have decide to use "reclaimed" lumber as much as possible, fortunate for us a neighbor had a tree fall on her shed and we (I) helped clean the mess in exchange for the good lumber.....

I will post pictures as soon as a new portion is complete, please feel free to send me any useful input, I.E. design ideas for any section you see may need to be addressed (hopefully before i get to far ahead, lol)

Thank you,


The Santos Family
Welcome! I am not a big fan of wire mesh floors and your chicks seem to be unsure about it as well. Nice find with the reclaimed lumber! You will need to paint the exterior and hopefully you have plenty of vents and good access for cleaning. We have a brooder area in the garage so that we have easy access and we can regulate the temperatures pretty easy. Keep the pictures coming!

Thank you, they were unsure the first couple of days, but I had a solid floor and a veteran chicken guy talked me out of it.... I wishes I would have kept it... lesson learned....the idea is for the brooder to be built into the deck eventually, to make it easier to watch out for them, but we have some construction going on in that area at the moment, it will be a welcomed completion in the near future... I will be sending more pics tonight after I build the walls... nice chatting with you... thanks

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