New design for an incubation Bra!


9 Years
Sep 17, 2010
Olin, North Carolina
Yes folks, a hatching bra! I am so overrun with hatching eggs, my incubators are all full. My broody hens are setting on eggs and I am desperate to hatch eggs. So I decided that I would design a hatching bra and combine my design skills at the sewing machine with my incubation skills. The temperature of the human body should be about right, and with all of the work I do each day feeding and watering the chicks here, the eggs would be turned continuously.
Of course, I would have to work out some details, like what to do with the eggs when I need to take a shower or go out in public. I'm thinking a gel padding might work for comfort and as a heat sink to keep the eggs a steady temperature. Any thoughts?
I actually think thats a great idea! If I didn't have to go to school everyday, I would probably wear one :)
Maybe warm a moist cloth in the microwave? Then wrap the egg in that and a couple towels over the whole thing to keep it warmer longer.
Or don’t shower but every few days....
✨I finally found my true tribe 🤣🤣🤣 I just love you guys 😂✨ you are just right up my alley. Nice and quirky... I feel like my head is spinning and I came on here- and needed to smile. Thank you ❤️ If you sold the incboobras - I would buy one. 😂 not a bad name... 🤨 wondering abt a chest shield.. maybe with a tiny cage? 🤨 .. I’m wondering if I would look “stranger” if I was constantly blocking my chest ... not like I still wouldn’t anyway... aww this is cute and fun... and I thought I was cranky...
Seriously, you guys just kill me 😂 Maybe I don’t want kids!!! Maybe they are over rated 🤣!!! It is possible that I just need to start hatching in my bra to feel more motherly and connected.... 🤨 I DID buy chicken sweaters... and hats... 🤣... ught oh... there is no doubt I will be hatching a chick in my bra....I have definitely done worse things 🤣🤣😂✨✨ Honestly- the entire thread has made me giddy 🤪🤗😂❤️✨ love you guys !
Seriously, you guys just kill me 😂 Maybe I don’t want kids!!! Maybe they are over rated 🤣!!! It is possible that I just need to start hatching in my bra to feel more motherly and connected.... 🤨 I DID buy chicken sweaters... and hats... 🤣... ught oh... there is no doubt I will be hatching a chick in my bra....I have definitely done worse things 🤣🤣😂✨✨ Honestly- the entire thread has made me giddy 🤪🤗😂❤️✨ love you guys !

If you do be sure to share the attempt and your results! There seems to be several clusters of people working on bracubation so any information helps us get closer to success!
So any news?? My chickens just laid 5 eggs when I was away...(and had someone watching lol) we ate these ones, but now that the days are getting longer, we are expecting more... the friend that was watching them said his chickens laid eggs too. 🥰

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