NEW DEVLPMNTS/ PLEASE HELP! Weird Stevey Wonder head movement?

Found this on another site.

"I have a one year old spotted sussex that seems to be ill this afternoon. Her gizzard (chest) seems quite full and enlarged. She seems to have a little trouble walking and is refusing to leave the hen house. The bird is moving her head from side to side as if trying to swallow. I placed her in a separate cage where she did eat, but still is moving very little. There are no visible signs of injury but she has a small bare circle on her chest as a result of pecking. Any ideas that might help? Thanks!"


People often suspect something is wrong with a chick or chicken if their crop is full. In the case of chicks or juvenile birds this is usually normal as they will eat quite a bit during this fast growth period. It often happens with full grown chickens as well and is usually normal as long as they all have the same sized bulge. You shouldn't worry unless one chicken has a much larger crop than the rest, or the chicken is acting "funny" indicating distress.

If the crop is "hard" to the touch, the crop could be impacted. This happens when feed is "stuck" in the crop and the chicken can't "swallow" or pass the feed on down to the proventriculous and gizzard.

How it happens:
The crop may occasionally become impacted when feed is withheld prior to worming, causing chickens to eat too much afterwards. Crops may also get packed when birds are free ranged where little is available to eat but tough, fibrous vegetation. Even if the bird continues to eat nutrition cannot get through. The swollen crop may cut off the windpipe, suffocating the bird. Crop impaction is not likely to occur in properly fed birds.

In mature birds: distended, sour-smelling crop filled with feed and roughage. The crop feels hard when pressed between fingers. Emaciation.

Provide proper rations and plenty of clean, fresh water. If feed is withheld prior to worming, offer a moistened ration 1 hour after worming.

Gail Damerow's "Chicken Health Handbook" lists the treatment as follows:
Disinfect skin, slit through skin with very sharp blade, pull skin aside and slit through crop, clean out crop, isolate bird and keep wound clean until it heals.

I have been raising poultry for over 30 years and could not bring myself to get that drastic. Surgery (which this is) is serious and best left to professionals. We have never had this problem with any of our birds but have found the following treatment in several references and would certainly try it before resorting to surgery which should be done by a veterinarian.

If you suspect impacted crop, administer two eye-droppers full of mineral oil (NOT MINERAL SPIRITS!) by forcing an eye-dropper down the chickens gullet, and massage the hard lump between your fingers to soften it up and help her pass it. Repeat if necessary the following day. If the crop remains hard and the chicken appears distressed, then you may resort to the above treatment or take it to a vet.

Good luck,
Oh my goodness. I really thought I was helping my birds:-( I took the stuff out of their water today after DL mentioned that. Thank you for that info.

Pinegrove, what is Avian Encephalomyelitis? I am going to go google it right now.

I really thought my poor girl was not going to make it this afternoon. She was not eating and she hadn't moved anything all day. She was just laying there. Later this afternoon she ate a LOT and made 2 movements!!!! I am hoping that taking her off the electrolytes will help but she did show the weird movement before I began giving them to her. As a matter of fact I began giving them to her b/c of the weird head movement:-(
it could be anything of several things incl AE (avian encephalomyelitis)... and whatever it is it is going to take a careful regime of separation, basic support which includes the proper dose of vitamins known to help these symptoms... this is basically one of those cases of figuring out what is wrong by process of elimination. I had a bird that that unlike yours did not always have the head shake thing, however did have neurological symptoms that worsened with time that reacted very well to general supplementation with therapeutic levels of E/selenium ... whatever it was (and I highly suspected some type of reovirus perhaps) it took several months of careful monitoring (figuring out which vitamin/micronutrient helped in relieving the symptoms) and supplementation to get things right (he is perfectly fine now).
If your bird got pecked this might be the result of permanent damage... or it could very well be enchephalomyelitis (vit E/selenium will also help reduce or prevent permanent damage from this altho recovered aE birds often "relapse" with head shakes in times of stress >incl heat or cold stress)
it might be due to any number of things >most of which there are no "medications" for >in these cases you must supplement (Avia Charge) keep separated and in a temperature stable environment which is quiet if there is a buddy for him which has a nice quiet nature then put that bird in with them or use a feather duster for company and solace....and remember,,,,this is a long term project.
Update: This morning she is so much better! She is walking in a straight line now without rolling over! Her head shakes are still worse than they were 4 days ago but they are SOOOO much better than they were yesterday
That's a blessing!
I am giving her chick starter with a cooked egg, and some vitamin supplements. Clean water of course, with NO electroytes. I am such an idiot:rolleyes:

Dl-is the selenium in aviacharge or do I need to look for that seperately?
Avia Charge has a bit and the proper type ...
see if he settles down for a couple days and go ahead and get it in the meantime so you have it to try if symptoms do not get better (or worsen)...
You need to get a human will ONLY be vitE/selenium and will be a geltab and you must be sure the amount of selenium in each tab does not exceed 50 MICROgrams... I know sometimes agway and walmart have one at that concentration.

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