New Dickey Incubator - 48 Bantam Eggs - All Done.

I just want to say, great thread with some interesting post's. It just proves what works for one region may not work in another, even different households. Like was mentioned in a previous post, its a matter of trial and error. Years ago I had anywhere from stuck chicks on one hatch to soggy chicks on another hatch. I finally got mine narrowed down to 45% to 50% for days 1-18 and to 60% on days 19-21.

MAllen, keep us posted, and good luck!!!

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OK, I took your advice. I put two more water trays in the bottom of the incubator. They are setting on the hatching tray cover. I also closed the vents until they are open about 1/8th and the current humidity level is 77% with just a little fogging on the front window.

Sound about right??
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6AM Day #19
Temp = 100.2
Humidity = 78%
No need to open

I don't recall if I mentioned this in an earlier post. While moving the 48 bantam eggs to the hatching tray I found one egg, BB Red #1, that had cracked. It must have happened recently as I could see that the egg was full of chick. No idea why this happened, the crack was long enough to reach 1/2 way around the egg and about in the middle. All I can come up with for a reason is that perhaps this egg had a thin shell. This eggs was from provider #1 and I will report this to the provider, maybe they should suppliment the parent bird's diet.
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Ready and waiting. I hope all 47 of them hatch, that would be great! Of course I'll be selling some of them. I'm most interested in the BB Reds, Crele, and Duckwings.
Still Day #19

Shined my light in the window and into the hatching tray, noticed first pipped egg at 3:59pm!!

2 days early, hmmmmmm......

Thought about opening the incubator to fill all the water trays..... cursed at self and told me to leave it alone.
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