New Dickey Incubator - 48 Bantam Eggs - All Done.

Here they come!!! Won't be long now...
Don't beat yourself up so bad. One person can't do it all. Isn't there someone else around there that could curse at you. Get some help. I know I can always find someone willing to do the cursing.
Don't beat yourself up so bad. One person can't do it all. Isn't there someone else around there that could curse at you. Get some help. I know I can always find someone willing to do the cursing.


Not today there's not, atleast not til the wife gets home. Tomorrow is gonna be tuff... I'll be back at River Spirt Casino dealing poker all day with hatching eggs on my mind
Hopefully she'll pick up the torch when she gets home. Good luck on the hatch.

I drive past the Casino probably every day. Driving past doesn't cost me anything. Yay.
End Of Day #19 - 10pm
Temp = 100
Humidity = 79%

No new action to report for today. I can still hear the peeps, the pipped egg has not changed, just a pip but no zip yet. I can't see any pips on the other eggs yet.
Day #20 - 6AM
Temp = 100.2
Humidity = 78%


The pipped egg from yesterday has hatched
The little guy has strong lungs and is encouraging the rest of them to come out of their shells. Multiple eggs pipped and in various stages of zipping.

I have to go to work and deal poker today, by the time I get home I should have a hatching tray full of them.

Day #20 - 2pm
Temp = 99.7
Humidity = 79%

Was able to come home 2 hours early from work today. So far I have three fuzzy butts that have fully hatched, all seem to be doing well, 2 of them are fully dry and the 3rd is almost dry. I've set up the brooder, scrubbed the waterer and feeder & put them in place. I hung up the heat lamp and have a thermometer in the brooder now, I have to find the right height that makes the brooder a steady 100 degrees on one end. Soon as the brooder is ready I'm going to quickly open up and grab the 3 chicks, fill the trays with hot water, and close back up. I also have to put 8 Law Grey gamefowl eggs in the incubator, they have been sitting since yesterday when they arrived.

Pics to come!!!
Day #20 - 2:45pm

Just took 5 out of the hatching tray and moved them to the brooder, they include -

Spangle #1
Spangle #2
Silver Duckwing #1
Belgian Quail D'Anvers #1
Crele #1

All 5 are from provider #1 - Leon Valley Trading Company

Lots of pippin, zippin, and peepin going on inside the hatching tray! Pics later today!!

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