New Dog Attacking Chickens


11 Years
Nov 8, 2008
Has anyone had a dog who chased and attacked chickens? If so, what did you do or how did you get them to stop?

We have a new dog that seems to be obsessed with watching the chickens in the coop and yesterday he got out and my chickens were free ranging the yard and he went after one of my girls and has his mouth on her and feathers were everywhere. I was able to catch him in the act and get after him but he still seems obsessed. He is a newfoundland. Any ideas or advice on what to do to get it through his head that this is a no-no. My border collie does not do this at all. She actually got after him! HELP!!! :)
I'd suggest that you go to the predators and pests threads and read all the posts there about dogs attacking chickens. It's a big problem for many.
Woops...Thank you. I am new and did not see that section.
WELL, My red healer pup decided he was going to go get "toys" from the chicken yard. I caught my Yokamata hen in the yard with doggy slobber. Of course, since I did not catch him in the act, I only verbally scolded him with chicken in hand. A few days later he had a white silkie in his mouth licking it. He did break the skin. He was beaten to within a inch of his life by my wife. He was put in his kennel for a week and never let out. We bought a shock collar and wore the batteries out (apparently) trying to train him to stay away from the chicken barn. He did however remember his beating. We now stay with him when the chickens are out and he is slowly getting better. For some reason, he just likes the white silkies. Now he is locked up every day when the chickens are out and let out every night when they are put up. His kennel is not 20 feet from where the chickens free range. He is getting used to them. We are training him to realize that this is his flock too. One to protect and never to play with. We have a ways to go, I do not trust him in any way, but I think he will maike it if we can get him through puppy hood.
Normally I try to stay out these threads. But my two cents are. You should never beat a dog. I have a pit bull, husky, and a beagle that are in the yard the same time as the chickens. All 3 of my breeds have strong prey drive, but none of them ever chase or harass my chickens.

Before your dog can ever be in the same area as a chicken it must have the basic training skills, sit, stay..etc.
You must have full control of your dog before it could ever be in the same open area as a chicken.

My dogs just lay in the yard, if any of them start to show any interest, you can tell by the ears, a very quick and sturdy no is all it takes.
with the dogs I've owned all I've ever needed was a stick to the nose ONCE with a stern, loud "NO!" From then on if they heard that "NO" they stopped whatever they were doing and paid attention!... and then they knew even if I wasn't there, the stick with a swift tap on the nose was remembered.
My girl has never, NEVER thought about harming ANY of my chickens. She watches over them, actually. She gets very paranoid if we dont go out and see them as soon as everybody is home, too. When they are free ranging, she just goes over and lays down right in the middle of were they are! I mean - she shows WAY more hostility towards our new kitten then she has ever thought about doing with the chickens. But we have total control over her.

Wish i could help you. The only advice i can give is buy a trust brand of shock collar, and train him that way. Whenever you see him obsessing, shock him.
Have you ever tried to raise a red healer pup ?? This is ONE heck of a dog, but he is head strong and the aussie (Dingo) comes out in him big time. We have a Corgi dog that we have had for quite some time. She is allowed in the barn with us and I trust her completely with the chickens. It may or may not be the breed. I am trying very hard to keep this pup alive. If he kills a chicken, he is dead; literally. We tried shock collars, verbal outpours, Kenneling for punishment and constant watching. Nothing helped until my wife beat him and through him in the kennel. This business about a dog wearing a dead chicken and beating them with the dead chicken will only go so far. If you are at that point, the dog has already killed. Training a red healer pup is like trying to herd a rope. He is a very smart dog, but he is very much a pup. I have taken him to the chicken yard and let him loose. When he gets too aggressive he is verbally scolded. He is learning, but the heal, sit and leave it have to come gradaully. With the corgi, it is a finger point with her name called. She freezes in her tracks. We have NEVER beat her becuase she is very responsive. Not so with the pup. The wife dearly loves this pup and he is very loyal to her. When I go to the barn at night he is with me for protection. We continue to train him and he has come a long way. He still goes out and heals the horses, but the horses have their own way of dealing with him.

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