New duck momma! HELP!


7 Years
May 2, 2015
Hey everyone! I just hatched out a Cayuga duckling.......waiting on the second to emerge.......thinking it is a girl, but not sure. She is kinda flopping around and I'm just trying to figure out if this is normal. She does this, but if I pick her up, she just snuggles in and goes to sleep with some pipping here and there. My momma chicken hatched the eggs, but now the ducks are getting no attention. Hopefully the video will post. I'm not holding her down. She just seems to calm if I'm touching her.
Hey everyone! I just hatched out a Cayuga duckling.......waiting on the second to emerge.......thinking it is a girl, but not sure. She is kinda flopping around and I'm just trying to figure out if this is normal. She does this, but if I pick her up, she just snuggles in and goes to sleep with some pipping here and there. My momma chicken hatched the eggs, but now the ducks are getting no attention. Hopefully the video will post.
Can't view a private video. And yes, like all baby fowl, before they learn to walk, they will, flop, fall, trip, and stumble.
It's normal for them to do that the first day or so after hatch. All animals do when they first learn to walk.
Whew! I was worried that she kept flowing on her back and kicking her legs. I guess I won't stress about it anymore. She is waiting for her sibling to hatch. Do I need to put anything in the coop with her or bring her and her egged sibling inside? Sorry so many questions, but I've never had ducks before and my hens always hatched out my chicks and tended them.
Whew! I was worried that she kept flowing on her back and kicking her legs. I guess I won't stress about it anymore. She is waiting for her sibling to hatch. Do I need to put anything in the coop with her or bring her and her egged sibling inside? Sorry so many questions, but I've never had ducks before and my hens always hatched out my chicks and tended them.
If momma isn't tending to them then they should go in an incubator and brooder.
Hey everyone! I just hatched out a Cayuga duckling.......waiting on the second to emerge.......thinking it is a girl, but not sure. She is kinda flopping around and I'm just trying to figure out if this is normal. She does this, but if I pick her up, she just snuggles in and goes to sleep with some pipping here and there. My momma chicken hatched the eggs, but now the ducks are getting no attention. Hopefully the video will post. I'm not holding her down. She just seems to calm if I'm touching her.
my first duckling, Dougie, would crash and tumble and fall on her back right after hatch!
It was scary to see, even though I knew it was fairly normal. I held her for a long while, keeping her warm, then I set her back down and she figured it all out pretty fast!
How long ago did your baby hatch, and how is she doing now?
my first duckling, Dougie, would crash and tumble and fall on her back right after hatch!
It was scary to see, even though I knew it was fairly normal. I held her for a long while, keeping her warm, then I set her back down and she figured it all out pretty fast!
How long ago did your baby hatch, and how is she doing now?
She fully hatched sometime between 345 this afternoon and 630 this evening, so she is freshly hatched. She seems to be doing really well, just kind of tumbly. At this point, she is no more than 8ish hours old.

Update on baby! This video is what she has been doing all morning. I got her to drink some regular water and a little bit of sugar water. I made a mash with her food and have dipped her beak into it a few times. Is this behavior normal? Vitamin deficiency? Any insight would be much appreciated.

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