New Duck Owner


@TwoCrows has given you a link to the best place to get advice but I would either re-home the lone duck or get him some company. The construction project you mentioned, is that a duck house?

Sorry for your losses, those are always hard. Best wishes!

Yes - excellent reading on the link!

I’ve kept him solo for 6 mos and he is free to leave but I feed him daily, have a floating dog house on his 30’ pond, and he seems happy now (no longer scruffy looking like he looked when his buddies died-molting, perhaps?). I do not have plans to try to pen him in (1.can’t catch him, 2.don’t want to set him up to be eaten by the fox, coyote, occasional roaming loose dogs in the area). I would, however, build a secure area in the barn near the pond to raise some ducklings if I thought they would eventually ‘get along’ with the solo guy. Hence my joining here to begin the learning process!
Welcome to BYC! It’s heartbreaking to lose birds. I’m glad your survivor seems to be doing okay for now.
I had a pair of Pekin, and added some ducklings. The drake pecked a duckling to teach it manners, and THE DUCKLING WENT AFTER THE DRAKE! :gig:gig I swear, I’ve never seen anything funnier. The baby was probably three-weeks old!
Good luck in the spring, and keep in touch. Oh, and please post some pictures so we can ooh and ahh over your animals.

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