new duckling coming


7 Years
Mar 30, 2012
So one of my female ducks has been sitting on two eggs. Well I just went out to the coop and one of them has a duckling coming out. So now I have no clue what to do. I have them in with chickens do I need to move them out of the coop? Do I have to have special food or will the mother take care of everything? any other advice would be great. Thanks
So one of my female ducks has been sitting on two eggs. Well I just went out to the coop and one of them has a duckling coming out. So now I have no clue what to do. I have them in with chickens do I need to move them out of the coop? Do I have to have special food or will the mother take care of everything? any other advice would be great. Thanks
Are the chickens okay with duck being in the coop? is there anyway you can separate her with some kind of fencing till ducklings are sturdy on their legs? What are you feeding your ducks/chickens now? you may want to go with an all flock or starter feed so the babies won't be eating layer if that's what you feed, and it's okay for everyone to eat it. I use an all flock Purina Flock Raiser crumble that way everyone can eat it from hatch till. and put out Oyster shell in separate bowl for my egg layers. Ducklings live off yolk sac for a couple of days before needing to eat, but I'd go ahead and put food and water out tomorrow close by so mama duck can show them where the food and water is and she can get some nourishment. Good luck and let us know when they hatch!! and
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