New Duckling Wet Eye? Help.


Mar 31, 2015
I have a 2 day old Pekin Duckling that May or may not have a eye problem. Right after I got him from the feed store I noticed he had a little bit I a wet/ gooey eye. I asked them about it and they said it was from leftover egg matter that didn't come off all the way after hatching. No biggie. Until I google what the condition could be and saw many eye disease and infection as a possibility. The eye isn't crust nor does is have a noticeable discharge, it just seems wet and maybe a little raw. Iv observed very closely at the eye and the eyeball and pupil itself can be seen and he seems to react well to sight with that eye. I'm just concerned this could be a possible sign of future eye loss, disease, infection, etc.
Also Iv bought Veterycin, it seemed to be highly recommended as some quick fixes to minor eye conditions. Since mid today Iv been using that spray on that eyes side of the face.
I have a 2 day old Pekin Duckling that May or may not have a eye problem. Right after I got him from the feed store I noticed he had a little bit I a wet/ gooey eye. I asked them about it and they said it was from leftover egg matter that didn't come off all the way after hatching. No biggie. Until I google what the condition could be and saw many eye disease and infection as a possibility. The eye isn't crust nor does is have a noticeable discharge, it just seems wet and maybe a little raw. Iv observed very closely at the eye and the eyeball and pupil itself can be seen and he seems to react well to sight with that eye. I'm just concerned this could be a possible sign of future eye loss, disease, infection, etc.
Also Iv bought Veterycin, it seemed to be highly recommended as some quick fixes to minor eye conditions. Since mid today Iv been using that spray on that eyes side of the face.
Welcome to BYC and I want to tell you have made a wise choice in the Veterycin. keep using it the little duckling may have gotten something in the eye dust for one thing or even feed and it has caused an irritation Veterycin works great. Also you can add some Apple Cider Vinegar to their drinking water 1 tab to 1 gal of water or half Tab to half gallon you can even break it down further if you have a small water er. but ACV has some healing proprieties including killing some bacteria. so they ducklings need to be able to wash their faces as often as they want especially after eating.. Keep us updated on how it's doing and hopefully it's just a bit of eye irritation nothing more wanted to share this link with you it has some great info and also shows a pic of a homemade waterer that works great for water fowl
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Thank you so much for the quick and easy response. I will keep a update every few days. The feed store told me to use a probiotic in the little guys water which I also purchased at the feed store. Do you believe that is better and or can mix with the apple viniger?
Thank you so much for the quick and easy response. I will keep a update every few days. The feed store told me to use a probiotic in the little guys water which I also purchased at the feed store. Do you believe that is better and or can mix with the apple viniger?
I think the probiotic is great I was recommending the ACV only because it can help heal because the little one will wash his/her face with it. You could try the ACV for a couple days then switch to the vit/probiotic . Any change in the eye? Or just decide what you think is best for the lil one.
So far not much of a change. When I spray the Veterycin he seems to open it a little more but the raw/ damp eye looks the same. He seems to rub that side of his face. So he's trying to keep it clean and clear it. That care sheet you attached was very useful.
So far not much of a change. When I spray the Veterycin he seems to open it a little more but the raw/ damp eye looks the same. He seems to rub that side of his face. So he's trying to keep it clean and clear it. That care sheet you attached was very useful.
How many ducklings did you get? you could also try using a soft cloth dipped in warm salt water and just drip it over the eye and wipe around the outside. No other symptoms other than the eye and none of the others with symptoms? nares look clear does the lil one have a good appetite?
So I took him to a vet for waterfowl and his eye lid is damaged and he's not able to blink and moisturize his eyeball. She said it was most likely caused by being pecked at by another hatchling or he could have scrapped it while he was pushing out the egg. I have an ointment from the vet to help keep moisture and possible heal what was damaged, but there's a good chance he'll lose the sight in that eye sadly. But time and ointment will tell. All the advise and help has been very helpful. And I def will be spending more time on this sight.
So I took him to a vet for waterfowl and his eye lid is damaged and he's not able to blink and moisturize his eyeball. She said it was most likely caused by being pecked at by another hatchling or he could have scrapped it while he was pushing out the egg. I have an ointment from the vet to help keep moisture and possible heal what was damaged, but there's a good chance he'll lose the sight in that eye sadly. But time and ointment will tell. All the advise and help has been very helpful. And I def will be spending more time on this sight.
I am glad you were able to take the little one to a vet for water fowl, not many of us have any around. I hope with the ointment you see positive results, it's such a precious lil one and I can tell very much loved already.
What ointment was used and how did it go? I have same issue and no vet that deals with ducklings here.

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