new duckling


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 17, 2011
Does anyone have any tips on housing a rouen duck?

Here is the backstory:
So, my baby girl Claire passed away a couple months ago and trying to be helpful a friend of mine got me two jumbo pekins that I was not ready for at all... two days ago I finally found someone to take them and while I was there he had a baby girl rouen just like my Claire I couldn't help it and I took her hope with me.. I want to keep her inside though since I don't want whatever got Claire to get my new baby Ava.. any tips on housing an indoor duck?

Here is a Picture of me and my new baby Ava
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At this age, she really should be kept inside, with a heat lamp. If you're worried about germs or such, I would just make sure to thoroughly clean the areas where your girl used to spend the majority of her time. Also, make sure to find some chick vitamins to put into your ducky's water. that'll help give her an extra boost of protection while she's so small. I would make sure that she has a new brooder, so that If there was anything from your other gal that could get her sick, Ava won't pick up on it. I use a large tote, just from Walmart, so you could look into that.

Mostly, just make sure she's eating good food to keep her strong, and keep her living area CLEAN. babies are messy anyway, but if you're worried about germs, I would clean out her baby brooder often. Better safe than sorry. :) Good luck! she's a cutie. Have you considered getting a friend for her? I think you intend to make her an inside duck, but she'd probably still be happier with another ducky
I want her to be an inside duck, along the lines of a cat or dog.. my other duck Claire got attacked by a raccoon, so I don't want her outside without supervision I was looking into diaper-ing her
My Swedish seemed to do really well when I kept her in a large dog crate. I just layered it with straw and cleaned it out about once a week; that was when she was only in it at night and she was four weeks old... Something like that could work for your duck when she's older. Good luck!

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