New Ducklings Sitting a lot

So I'm going to get some tablets for their water. Should I still continue with the nutritional yeast also? Can they get too much niacin that way? Is this a good supplement
It doesn't say flush free or extended release. I was going to put 1 tablet in a quart of water (their current waterer is only a quart). I saw 500 mg for 4 gallons, which would mean 125 mg for 1 gallon. I figured 1 tablet in a quart would ensure they would get enough or maybe that is way too much. Should I try to put a quarter of that in?
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Now is one of the most recommended brands on this site. A lot of people use it. Before trying to change what you are doing, let's see what the naicin content is in your feed. I always hear check the naicin content on chicken feed and such. Every feed I have investigated so far has the minimum amount. I always add brewers yeast just in case, but I really don't need to. Now if I was raising Pekin again, I would have to supplement their feed, because they require higher amounts of naicin. They are fast growing heavy breed, so they need more. You have runners, so this is not the case. Let us know what feed you have, we might be able to help you with the naicin content.

Here is a great article on naicin and what to use

And honestly them sitting and resting is completely normal at this age. I would look for other signs than just that. If they are really weak, they won't have the energy to move away from you and will be uncoordinated.

If you want to learn more about naicin deficiency, here is a good article.
Now is one of the most recommended brands on this site. A lot of people use it. Before trying to change what you are doing, let's see what the naicin content is in your feed. I always hear check the naicin content on chicken feed and such. Every feed I have investigated so far has the minimum amount. I always add brewers yeast just in case, but I really don't need to. Now if I was raising Pekin again, I would have to supplement their feed, because they require higher amounts of naicin. They are fast growing heavy breed, so they need more. You have runners, so this is not the case. Let us know what feed you have, we might be able to help you with the naicin content.

Here is a great article on naicin and what to use

And honestly them sitting and resting is completely normal at this age. I would look for other signs than just that. If they are really weak, they won't have the energy to move away from you and will be uncoordinated.

If you want to learn more about naicin deficiency, here is a good article.
I have the Purina Flock Raiser. I looked up the niacin content of the feed and it's hard to find a number for that. It says guaranteed enough for ducklings but I'm not seeing an actual amount. I've checked out all the stickies and articles on niacin. I'm adding 1 tbsp of the Now Nutritional Yeast to 1 cup of their food. Niacin capsules of 100mg are being delivered today. The Blue Bonnet brand that doesn't say flush free or extended release. I was going to put 1 capsule into their water (1 quart) to be on the safe side that they get enough. Does that sound like a good plan? I feel like I'm being neurotic over here with how much I'm worrying about this. I just want to make sure I'm doing all that I can and giving these little ones the best care. Thank you for your help.
I have the Purina Flock Raiser. I looked up the niacin content of the feed and it's hard to find a number for that. It says guaranteed enough for ducklings but I'm not seeing an actual amount.

So purina contains at least 55 ppm according to the purina expert on TSC. Their article below claims 60 ppm. The minimum for ducklings is 55 ppm. Your feed is fine as is. So the nutritional yeast is just extra.

Hopefully this link works.
So purina contains at least 55 ppm according to the purina expert on TSC. Their article below claims 60 ppm. The minimum for ducklings is 55 ppm. Your feed is fine as is. So the nutritional yeast is just extra.

Hopefully this link works.
Okay thanks. I have the Niacin capsules on the way just in case. I just posted about the one duckling who I see sitting the most. Maybe she has an individual injury to her leg or foot. I've included some photos on that post.
Hello everyone!
Just wanted to post an update on our ducklings. They are growing up so quickly! They have been doing really well with the Now brand nutritional yeast flakes on their food and the Hi Level Vitamin B Complex from TSC in their water. 3 out of the 4 ducklings seem to be very active and hustle and bustle about most of the time. They do seem to have times of great energy and then get tuckered out. The one duckling who was sitting or laying the most still does sit and lay more than the others. I think she is just a lazy duck. Nothing seems to be wrong. I've checked her out and see no signs of injury. She is eating and drinking well. I think she just prefers to lay down. She'll go over to the food and eat some standing up and then after a bit, she plops down to eat. She does the same with the water. I've heard people mention that some ducks are just lazier? Is that a common thing? I'll see if I can post some new video to show how they are all doing.
All of our ducklings are doing great. Thanks for asking. The particular duckling that was the biggest one and grew the most and the quickest is doing just fine. She often had shaky legs and laid down a lot. After stressing for weeks about her condition, she ended up just growing out of all that. I had done the hi level b vitamin complex, the nutritional yeast, niacin tablets, etc. We did it all to help her and she was still showing signs of leg weakness but I think she just had to strengthen her legs. We did have her swim every other day and also spend some time outdoors, but I think she just needed time. She no longer shows any signs of worrisome behaviors. I hope that is encouraging for some of you on here. For me, when I was looking up all the things I was worried about, it was helpful to hear success stories and know that everything might work out.

On another note, if you have ducklings and concerns about angel wing, I ended up using pantyhose as a wrap for the duckling. I cut a portion of the widest part of the thigh area and it was like a tube which fit perfectly on our duckling. She could still move around, breathe easily, and it didn't slide off until the end of the day. I had her wear this for 3-4 days and after that, no more evidence of angel wing! I think we caught it early and the pantyhose tube worked. I just wanted to share in case others might find it helpful.

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