New ducklings!

Subscribed. I think you need 4
I would have four Ducks.........;) .....Oops..!....I have eight Ducks and more on the way...;)

So cute....Congrats...:)


Lol I knew you'd say that! :D   I do want four ducks, but I think we might need to expand then? Not sure. 

:).....As long as your free ranging daily...:)......4 will be fine...:)
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@QuackSpeak - While I'm stalking your thread I might as well put my two cents in, you should totally get two more ducks :b

Your little duckies are so cute, they're two peas in a pod. Glad they're both doing good.
Would adding 2 more ducks disrupt the dynamics of the flock? Just curious. Or would it be one imprinted pair and another imprinted pair, or would they all sort of join?

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