New ducklings!

She's still eating and drinking. She's alert, and noodles around with her sister. Like before, except she now does most of this sitting down. She can move around the brooder some, hopping on one leg and using her lame one for balance. But most of the time she's sitting down.
I'm glad she doesn't seem to be in any pain, and I don't think she is. But her leg really worries me. If you push her normal leg towards her, she'll push back. If you push her injured leg towards her, you'll just end up folding it against her body, because she can't/won't move it. I'm not sure we have a vet near us that will see ducks, but we might. Maybe not a specialist but someone who deals in birds. But I really don't know what's wrong. Could it still be something like a sprain or strain if she's not showing any pain? Or something more serious, like a lame leg?
We have to remember animals don't show pain like us humans, and I'd say she is in pain. Not putting weight on her leg for one. and not pushing back. When you lay her on her back for just a sec. and pull gently both legs down straight do you notice anything different with the injured one? Best i know to do is let her rest and move around in the brooder only. Try not to make her get up an move let her decide what she wants to do but do give her warm water therapy at least a couple times a day. Even if she only floats the warm water will keep her muscles relaxed. Like I said leg injuries sprains etc take a while to heal maybe a week or longer. But if you notice any change in appetite or her showing no interest in her sis then time to get to a vet. or even now if parents are in agreement. I'd hate to say yes let her get over it and something be seriously wrong. you all are there and see what she is doing. Duckling have soft bones when young so hopefully this is just a sprain and she'll bounce back quick.
We have to remember animals don't show pain like us humans, and I'd say she is in pain.  Not putting weight on her leg for one.  and not pushing back. When you lay her on her back for just a sec. and pull gently both legs down straight do you notice anything different with the injured one? Best i know to do is let her rest and move around in the brooder only. Try not to make her get up an move let her decide  what she wants to do but do give her warm water therapy at least a couple times a day.  Even if she only floats the warm water will keep her muscles relaxed.  Like I said leg injuries sprains etc take a while to heal maybe a week or longer. But if you notice any change in appetite or her showing no interest in her sis then time to get to a vet. or even now if parents are in agreement. I'd hate to say yes let her get over it and something be seriously wrong. you all are there and see what she is doing.  Duckling have soft bones when young so hopefully this is just a sprain and she'll bounce back quick. 


Yes i was a vet tech for 13 years... so seen alot.
By holding up and not walking or putting weight on it. Thats because of pain.
Okay thank you both. For now, she still likes to eat, and she talks to her sister. I'm starting to give them soft treats, which she gobbles down. And yeah we don't make her move, this is all from observation. Luna is being very good and mostly staying near Ellie, so Ellie isn't walking after Luna too much. She makes happy noises when swimming. Thank you all for the advice! Hoping she bounces back.
@QuackSpeak - I'm so sorry to hear about Ellie! :c And, I'm sorry I'm so late reacting to it, I've been busy with my babies lol. I wish I could help more but it seems like you have a lot of helpful people on your side. She will get better :)
@QuackSpeak - I'm so sorry to hear about Ellie! :c And, I'm sorry I'm so late reacting to it, I've been busy with my babies lol. I wish I could help more but it seems like you have a lot of helpful people on your side. She will get better :)

Thank you

They are swimming right now, and peeping happily. They're in the sink, and I gave them some feed from a spoon. I figured it'd be easier for Ellie because she could gobble the food and drink water immediately, instead of standing, eating the food, sitting, standing, drinking water. And, being ducks, they spilled the feed all over the place and are happily dabbling in the water for their food. And blowing bubbles through their nostrils

I sure hope Ellie will be okay. Thank you again for your kind words, and to Miss Lydia, chickens really, Ducks4us, and any other helpers
So I've been watching Ellie and Luna swim, they were going at it for maybe fifteen minutes. Ellie was waving her injured foot around a lot in the water and spreading her webs. I picked her up to put her in the brooder to dry off, and she puts weight on her injured leg and stands! She's a long way from recovery, but it's something :) Now she's preening and noodling at Luna
So I've been watching Ellie and Luna swim, they were going at it for maybe fifteen minutes. Ellie was waving her injured foot around a lot in the water and spreading her webs. I picked her up to put her in the brooder to dry off, and she puts weight on her injured leg and stands! She's a long way from recovery, but it's something :) Now she's preening and noodling at Luna

That is great news...:).....I think she will be fine....I always think to the positive!..;)

Best wishes....:)
So I've been watching Ellie and Luna swim, they were going at it for maybe fifteen minutes. Ellie was waving her injured foot around a lot in the water and spreading her webs. I picked her up to put her in the brooder to dry off, and she puts weight on her injured leg and stands! She's a long way from recovery, but it's something
Now she's preening and noodling at Luna
Sounds great @QuackSpeak She'll be fine just give her time.

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