new ducklings!

no you don't have to worry about that if he isn't panting hard he should be fine maybe just a little snuffle. - Jay in MA
If you can get some un pasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar, add about 1 teas to a pint of water for them to wash their faces in and drink it's a very good tonic and if there is any harmful bacteria it can clean it up. very important they have a bowl deep enough to wash their faces with especially when eating. and about grit, since they don't have teeth to chew with they need grit to chew with it helps them grind up their food, they don't need it when feeding chick or duckling crumble because it's super ground up but anything else they need grit. If you don't want to buy a large bag buy it at the grocery store over in the pet food isle they carry it for caged birds put it into a separate bowl they will eat it as needed.
thank you both so very much!!!
oh how could we not show off our babies?!

they absolutely LOVE the blowdryer after a bath!

they're just growing up soooooo fast, it's unbelievable!
it's horrible how fast they grow, we gotta spend as much time as possible with them as babies because before we know it they'll be adults!

but we will still love them regardless!
it's horrible how fast they grow, we gotta spend as much time as possible with them as babies because before we know it they'll be adults!

but we will still love them regardless!
yep pretty soon they will be all grown up and going off to college. ya'll will be empty nesters.
sorry I couldn't resist
thank you zook!
and omgoodness lol, thanks miss Lydia, I suppose you are right! hopefully they chose the route I did - community college so they can stay home with me still!

lol, corny at its finest!

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