New Farmer in NorCal raising chickens, turkeys, and geese


In the Brooder
May 18, 2024
Ummmm, hi! I'm a new member and the robots that run this site told me to do this so here I am! I'm in zone 9a in Northern California starting (very slowly and very awkwardly) farming with my partner. We also decided to get some foul involved and are currently raising 3 Toulouse geese, 3 Narraganset turkeys, and 8 Speckled Sussex, Silver Laced Wyandotte, and Buckeye chicks with more on the way. I've raised chickens many times but have never had such a rocky start with this batch we had delivered so sick birds are all new to me and the reason I'm here. Turkeys are notoriously delicate and I'm doing my best there but am needing some help, but omg I love them so much! And the geese are just absolute tanks trucking along like champs. Anywho, nice to meet y'all and I hope to give as much help as I receive :)

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