New feed = diareahha ??


7 Years
May 7, 2012
I switched my flocks feed.. now they seem to have loose poop.. they free range everyday but I still feel really bad should I switch them back or will they adjust to it?? its been 4 days.

not everyone has the runs its just looking a little more watery than usual & more stinky.. any suggestions would be great please & thank you!!
It might be like a bunny if you change it's food his body isn't ready for it but if you slowly intruduce the food litle at a time they will get use to it. I would do this, at first but an extremly little amount of new food in their regular food (this will give them time to agust their bodies to the new taste) do this for a week or two. Then put a little more in each week until all you are puting in their feed box or spenser is the new feed.Their bodies will thank you if you do this instead of just giving them the new food right away. Good luck!

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