New Flock: Should I coax them into the run? Or let them do so on their own time?


In the Brooder
Jan 23, 2022
I just adopted a flock of 5 pullets yesterday. ( We have had chickens before) They are between 4 and 5 months old. One of them, the Brahma, appears older... took to the coop and run right away. The other 4, a bit younger, are still hanging out in the coop this morning yet to come out into the run. My question: Should I coax ( or even force them out) into the run today. I removed the food and water from the coop.... it can now be food in the run where it normally will be. Thoughts? Thanks. ( the other two breeds are Buff Orpingtons and Wyandottes)
Hi and welcome to Backyard Chickens! I would coax them out, then they should find their way back in. It normally takes a week or so until they find their way around and get into their morning/bedtime routine.
There is a lot of your backstory I don't know. Size of the coop and run, how well the chickens know each other, mainly the Brahma. Age of the Brahma. What do they do at night, especially the Brahma. Why are they staying in the coop? As Aart said it could be intimidation but it could just be they aren't ready to go out.

My philosophy in things like this is that as long as no one is getting hurt don't mess it up. Let them manage things like integration and getting adjusted to new places on their own as much as you can. Don't try to force them together if they don't want to be together. Yours should be coming out of puberty soon, you should see changes then. Until then I'd want to provide foo and water in separate areas so the one can't bully the others away from it.

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