New flock!


5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
Yesterday I picked up my new flock of 2.5-3yr old laying hens... they still lay some! I've had 2 light brown eggs so far. There are 5 ISA browns , 6 RIRs-Production reds, and 5 Barred Rocks?

I am in Michigan.

Pics soon!

I have Chickens and other animals in 4H and we have working BC's (dogs).
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on your new hens! Don't be surprised if they quit laying. Sometimes new hens get stressed from moving and they can stop laying for a few weeks after arriving at their new home. Give them time to adjust and they will get back to laying soon.

Enjoy your new flock and welcome to ours!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with your new flock! Nice of you to give some older hens a second chance.
Welcome to BYC. As TwoCrows has mentioned your new hens will probably take a break from egg production, but should soon start producing. Good luck with your new flock.
I'm quite surprised they laid anything esp. today. So far today we had 6 eggs. (Insert shock here) considering how old they were and theyd just been moved. They will probably still drop off but nice to see a few fresh eggs at home!

Thank you for the Welcomes!

Also we are looking to get a rooster so :D Have to plan his quarters... We have over 20 acres but I don't want to disturb any one "that badly" So I am doing my reading as I have a fella picked out. He will be kept sep. for a bit!

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