New - from Baton Rouge, LA


6 Years
Jan 25, 2013
Baton Rouge, LA
Greets all~!! I'm Dwayne.

I've been thinking about getting some back/side yard birds for a couple of years now. Starting my spring (yard) cleaning/clearing this weekend, and thought I'd get to know some folks who already have feathered friends wandering about the yard.

I was looking through links on BYC and saw ducks, quails, and other birds listed. I will probably end up asking about all of them and what to/not to mix as far as different types of birds.
Greets all~!! I'm Dwayne.

I've been thinking about getting some back/side yard birds for a couple of years now. Starting my spring (yard) cleaning/clearing this weekend, and thought I'd get to know some folks who already have feathered friends wandering about the yard.

I was looking through links on BYC and saw ducks, quails, and other birds listed. I will probably end up asking about all of them and what to/not to mix as far as different types of birds.
welcome to BYC...i'm just down the road from you.

stop by the LA-yers thread to meet some more people from around here.

I don't know that much about quails and ducks, but would be your birds purpose? Meat or eggs or just ornamental
Rhode island reds are very good layers mine lay 5-7 a week but that's in warmer whether they don't lay that much in the winter. Bantams lay small eggs and not that many each week but their egg production dose not go down in the winter and their very beautiful. buff orfingtons are good layers too their a golden color. And polish look really funny

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