New from Indiana

May 12, 2022
Hi! My name is Kira. We live in west central Indiana in a small-ish farm town. Our family has wanted chickens for some time and finally added 22 chicks to the fam. This are our first time having poultry. So far, we are loving it! We have a variety of breeds. 3Black Australorp, 3 ISA, 3 golden comet, 3 cinnamon queen, 3 sapphire gem, 1 black jersey giant, 3 barred rock, 1 lavender orpinton, 1 bantam OEG, and 1 bantam feather footed something. We have one rooster (that we know of). His name is Prague. He is a sapphire gem and seems really sweet at this point.

Our family loves watching their silly antics. They have brought a lot of laughs and joy to us already. We just put our 3 babies in with our bigs. It was nerve wracking, but seems to be going well.

Some of my other hobbies are crocheting, gardening, reading, learning about survival techniques, learning how to forage, and....drinking coffee....often while watching chickens!

My husband and I have 3 children. They are 15, 12, and almost 10. We Have always homeschooled the kids. I am the youth minister for our parish and my husband is a power lineman apprentice. We can be pretty busy, but love being home the most!

I have browsed the forum for a while and it has been so helpful as we get going.
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