New from Mableton GA

:welcome   Welcome from Middle Georgia!  So glad you have joined us.

You have already been given links to helpful information.  

When I was deciding and planning I bought as many poultry/coop books I could locate.  The most helpful to me were Storey's Guide and the Dummies books.   But I wasted money on 3 Chicken Coop books, and found the coop/run forums more useful in designing my own.

Please do explore the Learning Center, there are great articles there written by experienced small flock owners.

IMO in your location you can raise pretty much whatever breed or breeds you fancy.  Do explore the breed characteristics for egg production and personality traits that meet your expectations.  Start with baby chicks, the first year is too much fun to miss out on.  Make sure you don't get any straight run chicks.  Look for sources that offer sexed baby chicks - they are 90% accurate and in my case they were 100% females.  Talk to friends, acquaintances to identify possible rehoming in case you do draw a roo so you can avoid harsh decisions.  Or look at sex-linked chicks.

Yo Georgians is the most active GA forum in where am I, where are you. 

Make sure you pay attention to size of brooder and coop/run.  Everyone agrees go larger than you think.

Feel free to ask questions, we're here to help.
I'm in Mableton ga sorry got busy building chicken coop and tractor. Plus had to exchange iPhone 6 plus (kept overheating) next project hen house

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