New from Mississippi


5 Years
Oct 12, 2014
While I don't have any chickens yet, I plan to read posts and explore the various breeds.

I've never owned chickens before. I have four dogs & three horses and just moved a new house on 10 acres. I'm eager to learn as much as I can prior to getting started.
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Welcome to the flock! I have barred rocks, black australorps, black sexlinks, and some mutts. My six laying hens are giving me about a dozen eggs every 2-3 days and lay good thru the winter with no added light or heat. We live in TN so our winters are probably not much different from yours. Most of my mixed breed chickens are not old enough to lay yet so I don't know how they will do. Only one hen has gone broody in the 18 months I've had them and she's a mutt of unknown breeds. She was supposed to be a light sussex but definitely is not. She hatched and raised 8 chicks like a pro. They are so much fun to watch and fresh eggs are awesome. I want buff orpingtons next spring. I've heard they are good broody hens and I would love to grow my flock and let momma hen do the work. Good luck with whatever breeds you choose.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. Some other good charts you might want to check out regarding the various breeds are at,, and Also, Murray McMurray has an excellent chick selector tool at to help you determine which breeds are best for you. Just be sure and click on "show more characteristics." For first time chicken owners I recommend breeds with a very calm and gentle reputation such as Australorps, Orpingtons, Cochins, Brahmas, Sussex, or Faverolles. If egg production is a priority, Australorps are the best layers on this list and Cochins are the poorest (although they are the best brooders and mothers). Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Whatever breeds you decide to get, good luck with your flock.
Glad you joined us!

Feel free to ask lots of questions! We're all here to help.
Glad you are part of the flock, I have Barred Rocks and Red sex links. I have only join about a month ago, My Barred Rocks are so gentle and lay every day ; My Sex Links lays Huge Eggs ,and also love attention. Welcome from another Mississippi Southern Girl...Luv my Birds .

Good idea to learn how to swim before you jump in the lake! Glad to have you here. Let us know if you have any questions.

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