New from Nor Cali, Davis.


8 Years
Jan 27, 2011
N. Ca
Hello I am Ana,

My boyfriend and I are becoming more and more aware of our food sources and our environment now that we have a wee 2 year old. We have made a lot of changes to our life over the past two years including a large no till garden and more slow food eating habits. Most recently we have added six chickens to our lives. We have 1 black star, 3 barred rocks, 1 ameraucana and one ameracuna barred rock mix.

We built our chicken coop out of the wood that my BF's grandfather had all around the house and spent less than $100 in building supplies (mostly chicken wire and hardware). All and all we have found our whole chicken project experience to be most satisfying. I am very happy to be part of the BackYardChicken community and I look forward to asking questions of all you knowledgeable folks

I can already see that chicken raising is going to keep me very ammused! Who'da thought they would be so much fun!
Welcome to BYC! For food security I got started with chickens over the summer. The people of BYC were great! I blogged about my adventures. Feel free to visit my BYC Page for my blog links which you may find informative or amusing.

You might also want to check out BYC sister sites such as and!
Hi Ana!

I'm fairly new to BYC myself, but we've been doing the chicken thing for a while.
We're just up in Placerville if you ever need to collaborate on anything!
Combine orders/swap chicks...
Welcome From a Fellow Nor Cal Gal

I don't know if you have actually gone Chicken Crazy yet, but if you have there is a Huge Poultry Show at the Stockton Fairgrounds this weekend, and a lot of us Nor Cal Chicken lovers will be there.
Wow, that sounds like fun! I think we will try to make it. Thanks for letting me know!
I'm not sure I am chicken crazy yet either, but I find myself outside staring at my chickens way too often.

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