New from Texas


In the Brooder
7 Years
Hi! I've had chickens for 2 years now, but this is my first time to incubate (LG still air) The BYC has been really helpful so I thought I'd join and get even more help! My temp range is b/w 97 and 102 as far as I can tell and humidity around 30. It's only been 1 week, so I've got 2 more to go. I hope it works!! Now I have to search around for some info about candling, so I can see if this batch is any good.....
You guys are awesome!! Thanks for the warm welcome!! I have 2 more weeks to go for 20 eggs, and I put 14 more in today. I scored some red blue lace wyandottes and a couple necked necks, a French Maran and a lavender Orpington from a farmer down the street ! (We are outside of Austin). Does anyone know if I should be rotating the eggs toward the middle in the LG? Or do I just leave the outermost ones where they are (rotating daily of course). Thanks for the help, friends! Incubating is so exciting!!!

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