New from the frozen tundra of Michigan!

Welcome to Backyard Chickens! We are glad you joined the flock!:welcome BYC is a helpful site providing all of the information you need to know about poultry. There is always space for members on the BYC roost!:highfive: Good luck with your existing flock and if you decide to add more in the future. You can own a lot of chickens on one acre!

Hope you enjoy it here as much as we all do!
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
We are new to chickens. We moved from the city into the county with a little over an acre of pastured land in April 2018. We started our flock in August 2018

(2) How many chickens do you have right now? We have 12 chickens right now and of course we'd love to add more!!

(3) What breeds do you have? Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, Black Sex Link, Wyandotte, Polish and Silkie.

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens? Learning. People look at chickens and think that they are ignorant birds. I'm learning that chickens are actually quite brilliant. They have individual personalities. I love them all their quirky differences and they make my heart so happy.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies? Ummmm......

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share. I am married and we have 3 boys (14, 11 and 2). We moved out of the city with hopes of teaching the boys some self-sustaining life skills. We were so bleesed to find a house with some land to rent. We didn't want to make long term commitments and we are starting out slow and small because we weren't sure if this lifestyle was for us. So we started a small flock and got 2 cats to take care of the mice.

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community. This community pops up everytime I google anything chicken related!
Welcome to BYC :frow:welcome
Hi! We're new, too. Bought chicks around mothers' day, lost 1 chick (failed to thrive), and lost 3 more at about 6 weeks to a marauding raccoon when we didn't get the coop door shut in time. Added twice to our flock for diversity - no, actually I just had chicken fever ha ha - so now we have 5 rhodies, 3 Crested Cream Legbars, 2 buff Orpies, 1 lavender orp, 1 cuckoo orp, and 1 Black Orpie rooster.
What I love best is just watching and interacting with my "girls"! They crack me up every day, and watching our PepperRoo grow up from a cheeky runt always smaller than his sisters into a georgeous full fledged roo who watches over "his" hens, calls them over when he finds good forage, and will actually hold food until his hens arrive and or take extra from a greedy hen and give it one of the shyer ones has been such a wonderful revelation!
This is getting long so I'll add more about our "farm" later if you're interested - but I have a question for you: how cold are winters there, and how is your flock doing with the frozen tundra? Did you/how did you winterize? Any problems with frostbitten toes, Combs, or wattles? I'm a total nervous Nellie about the cold & ice, so would love to hear how you're coping . Thanks!
Hi! We're new, too. Bought chicks around mothers' day, lost 1 chick (failed to thrive), and lost 3 more at about 6 weeks to a marauding raccoon when we didn't get the coop door shut in time. Added twice to our flock for diversity - no, actually I just had chicken fever ha ha - so now we have 5 rhodies, 3 Crested Cream Legbars, 2 buff Orpies, 1 lavender orp, 1 cuckoo orp, and 1 Black Orpie rooster.
What I love best is just watching and interacting with my "girls"! They crack me up every day, and watching our PepperRoo grow up from a cheeky runt always smaller than his sisters into a georgeous full fledged roo who watches over "his" hens, calls them over when he finds good forage, and will actually hold food until his hens arrive and or take extra from a greedy hen and give it one of the shyer ones has been such a wonderful revelation!
This is getting long so I'll add more about our "farm" later if you're interested - but I have a question for you: how cold are winters there, and how is your flock doing with the frozen tundra? Did you/how did you winterize? Any problems with frostbitten toes, Combs, or wattles? I'm a total nervous Nellie about the cold & ice, so would love to hear how you're coping . Thanks!

Hi, if you haven't already done an intro of your own, you might want to...that will give all the greeters a chance to properly welcome you! And it would also give you the chance to enter the New Member contest currently going on (click on the link at the bottom of my post for details).

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