New from the land of oz


♣ The 25,000th Member ♣
10 Years
Mar 14, 2009
Hi I am from the land of Oz. My mother is Henry'schickens. We have had chickens for about a year now and just today we got 2 baby ducklings.
And are learning how to take care of them. I've seen some stuff on here and done a lot of stuff with my mom on here. I like to play the games/jokes/riddles so she suggested I get an account of my own. So now I'm here.
We think they are mallards. But, we are not sure because the feed store just said hatchery choice. One is all black beak and feet. Do you know what that is? Thankyou for welcoming me also.
Nikki#2 :

We think they are mallards. But, we are not sure because the feed store just said hatchery choice. One is all black beak and feet. Do you know what that is? Thankyou for welcoming me also.

It's hard to say what kind it is without seeing a picture, and even then sometimes it's hard to tell until they get a little older and start getting their feathers. I think Cayugas might have black feet and bill, but I've never had that kind so I'm not sure. No matter what kind it is you'll have fun with it.

By the way..... I'm from Kansas too.

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