New furry member of my flock


Rest in Peace 1970-2018
12 Years
Apr 6, 2007
This young doe has taken up permanent residence somewhere around the woods bordering my property. She comes by in the morning and then again in the early evening. I can get within 20 feet if I walk VERY still and don't breathe. The chickens have gotten used to her too.

That's a good point but she doesn't look old enough to be a mom. That pic doesn't do her justice.

It does make sense though. She's always alone and very prompt.
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She's very pretty. I have one that comes around about 3 times a week, she eats on the edge of our lawn right by the woods. Last week she was there with 2 wild bunnies, I wish I had a camera with me.

That's a good point but she doesn't look old enough to be a mom. That pic doesn't do her justice.

It does make sense though. She's always alone and very prompt.

Yearling does can breed, so she may. Beautiful animal, I love deer.
She is beautiful. We have a doe with twins this year. Every morning and around sun down they come out and the fawn love to romp and run across the meadow. They run as fast as they can, and the mother just looks on as if they are crazy.

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