New Geographic Location Info For Members - Please Update Your Profile

I am a ms. grandmaw .My son and wife gave us 45 assorted chickens when his job moved them. since then we have had a Ball. Our fist new ones hatched this week.
thanks to BYC it has helped.

We are new members and new back yard chicken farmers as of 2 days ago! We have 8 RIR pullets between 10 to 12 weeks old. They have made the transition successfully and love our backyard!
We live in Davie, Florida and have an acre and three dogs! The chickens are in a coop my husband built and in a fenced portion of our backyard in an area about 40 ft. by 40 ft.

Shirley & Nelson Decker
Davie, Florida
There are missing several Canadian provinces and Territories. I just don't want any canucks to feel left out or slighted if they want to take part in the new geolocation feature but can't cuz they're not there. Of the Canadian provinces the missing are Saskatchewan, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Great feature though!
Hi, Nifty,
I have a suggestion for your location thingy, that you are working on. Instead of the 5 areas to click on being ---North, South, East, west and Central, do you think it would be better if you used ---Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, and Central.? Still the same number of regions, but much better to show where someone is. I, for instance, am in SW MO, so on your setup, I had to select either south, or west. I decided on South. Some of the ones who turned up in South MO were 300 miles from me, in SE MO. Maybe I'm wrong, but seems to me like squaring off the 4 locations by corners, rather than the N,S,E,W, would put everyone in a situation where whoever appeared in your search would be closer to you. What do you think? (Just a suggestion from a nosey ole Ozarks retired farm wife. LOL)
We just finished a 9' X 20' chicken house and I am wondering if it would be okay to put cedar shavings in the bottom and hay in the nest boxes? The cedar will keep the fire and spiders at bay.

Thanks for any help.

fids only
I found some people that live in australia.

they are mostly New Eggs,
but there are two out of the brooders.

I feel very big, something I've never felt before. :S
I agree with this, I'm in southeastern MA, not south MA (there isn't a region called that, actually. Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, Southwest, Central are used to define states, North, South, East and West for cities.
Hi fids. This isn't the thread for this question but I figure you didn't get any replies elsewhere. So here goes.
1. Most of us BYCer's don't recommend cedar bedding inside the coop because the aromatic phenols from the cedar can be harmful to your chicken's lungs. Instead we choose pine which has less potent aromatic phenols.
2. To control spiders and fireants consider using Food Grade DE. There are many threads on this forum about DE if you use the search tool at the top of the page.
3. A big
I agree with this, I'm in southeastern MA, not south MA (there isn't a region called that, actually. Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, Southwest, Central are used to define states, North, South, East and West for cities.

Also agreeing here! I'm as southeastern in Southeastern Wisconsin can get!
Hi riderbeck. If you check the country/state drop down menus in your profile, you will notice that those Canadian provinces are indeed available for selection. The user list however will only list those countries and states which have previously been chosen by a member.

e.g. if Quebec is not shown for Canada in the user list, it means that it has not been selected yet by a forum member as his/her geographic location.

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