New Geographic Location Info For Members - Please Update Your Profile

Many people have requested the ability to find members by state. That's what it's designed for.

I have to again agree with Judy. Regions are NE, SW, NW, etc, not N, S, E, W. Rob, if you've only got 1174 out of over 25,000 then can't you make the switch before that number gets too big?
I updated mine the other day and it worked but today it had disappeared and I had to re-enter it, it updated again... maybe everyone should check it to make sure theirs didn't disappear during the changes that were being made while it was being worked out?
I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying to divide the state into 4 quadrants, like 4 equal areas of a square?

We were going to originally have N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW and central but thought that was too many.
Rob, I think yes, dividing the state into quadrants--NW, SW, NE, & SE. Then, also a central area would be good, for those who don't live in what would be considered one of the 4 corner areas. I feel like this would put us much closer to those listed in our area.
Someone else chime in, please, so we know what everyone thinks.
I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying to divide the state into 4 quadrants, like 4 equal areas of a square?

We were going to originally have N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW and central but thought that was too many.

Yes, Rob, as we said in another post, N, S, E & W is usually used for city locations (South Boston, North Weymouth), when describing a location in a state, it's usually Southeastern MA, or Northwestern Vermont, etc. So, if you were to put all of them, it would be good, perhaps that way the 1174 won't have to reset unless they want to (I want to), I think it's better to have too many than too few. Definitely include Central, that's an important state location, too.
Yelp! thats what I meant, cause I had to reset it last night!!


oh I was looking for Debiraymond in CA and she was not there last night!! Just checked and she still ain't there!
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Mine is still set, from when I set it several days ago. Could it be just one region that is needing resetting? Or something the poster is missing doing?

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